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What to Know About Handwashing

While we deal with the spread of COVID-19, we want to make sure your business has what it needs to stay safe during this time. Handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of bacteria and today we’re highlighting what you need to know about handwashing and how to keep yourself and your employees safe and healthy.

What are the benefits of using Soap and Water?

All-day long, whenever we touch something, germs can get onto our hands and then subsequently anything else we touch. Using soap and water to thoroughly wash your hands will help to remove whatever germs you’ve picked up as well as any dirt or chemicals that may also be attached to your skin. When it comes to the water to cleanse your hands, warm or cold water is ok, as long as it’s clean.

Experts recommend scrubbing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to most effectively kill germs.  Also, be sure to scrub under your fingernails too to make sure any dirt or grime gets washed away.

What if I can’t find Soap right now?

Due to the high demand for cleaning products right now, soap can sometimes be hard to find. If you don’t have soap, you can still wash your hands with clean running water and scrub your hands together well to try to get off as many germs as possible. When your hands are clean and no visible dirt is seen, you can then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to get rid of the remaining germs.

Alcohol-based sanitizers will kill most types of germs that will stay on your hands, however, they might not kill all types of bacteria and viruses. It’s still important before eating or any activity where your hands might come in contact with your face or mouth to wash your hands as best you can.

What products can I get from WCP right now for handwashing?

We’re here to help you find the products you need right now in the midst of COVID-19 to protect your business. You’ll find hand soap, dispensers, and more in stock on our website to order today or let your account manager know what you’re looking for and we’ll do our best to help get you the supplies you need to keep yourself and your employees safe during this difficult time. Visit our COVID-19 page for more information and resource. 

(Sources: CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

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