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Celebrate Earth Day by Reducing your Carbon Impact, One Ream of Paper at a Time

Carbon Balanced Paper NA partners with WCP Solutions

WCP Solutions is celebrating Earth Day by announcing our partnership with Carbon Balanced Paper North America, as we become one of their paper merchant distributors. As our customers move towards being more sustainable in their paper purchasing, a huge difference can be made in the carbon footprint of your business by using sustainable paper and paper products. Carbon Balanced Paper (CBP) is launching in North America in partnership with the World Land Trust (WLT) to take a huge step forward in offering solutions for carbon-balanced paper. This launch will allow us at WCP to carbon balance any paper product to meet worldwide commitments to carbon reduction and carbon neutrality. We are excited to offer this solution to your company and brand as you move toward a more sustainable future.

How the CBP Program Works

Carbon Balanced Paper is a program that offsets the carbon impact of paper production and products by investing in projects that the World Land Trust is committed to worldwide. These WLT projects include purchasing ecologically important forests, which if cleared and harvested would unlock carbon to be released into the atmosphere. As deforestation and forest degradation account for approximately 11% of carbon emissions, this mission is vitally important in our world pathway towards more sustainable forestry practices. Forest protection and restoration play a central role in our path toward a more sustainable future.

When purchasing your paper products from WCP, we can help find a product that embodies the Carbon Balanced Paper logo to use on your print and office projects. The CBP logo will show you products that are part of this sustainable program and offer a unique solution for your paper needs to help your business be more sustainable. You can also receive a certificate from the World Land Trust that showcases the amount of carbon dioxide that has been balanced and the area of land preserved, all from your specific paper purchase.


Download the Brochure: CBPNA Brochure


To learn more about carbon balancing your paper contact us at

Source: Carbon Balanced Paper NA Press Release
Source: Carbon Balanced Paper FAQ

Let us Help your Business be More Sustainable 

Contact your local WCP account manager or customer service team. We’d be happy to set up a consultation to discuss sustainable products to meet the goals of your business. Give us a call today at (877) 398-3030.

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